Public consultation on the Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan will be open from Friday 27th July 2018 until Friday 28th September 2018

The first stage of public consultation on the new Minerals Local Plan, known as the ‘Issues and Options’ was completed in January 2018. The feedback from this consultation has been used to inform the development of the minerals plan.

The next stage in the preparation of the Minerals Local Plan is the publication of the Draft Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan consultation document. The document sets out the draft list of site allocations to meet expected demand over the plan period along with planning policies against which future minerals development would be assessed against. The public consultation will seek views on the suitability of the proposed site allocations as well as the plan policies.

The Draft Plan consultation document along with a range of additional background information will be available on the Nottinghamshire County Council website at

The County Council is encouraging responses to be made via its online consultation system. Details of how to use the online consultation system can also be found on their website at