Rushcliffe Borough Council:
Have your say on proposed CCTV cameras installed in Bingham town centre
Residents and businesses are invited to have their say in a new consultation on the installation of seven new state-of-the-art, 4G redeployable CCTV cameras in Bingham town centre which will replace older existing cameras.
Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) plan to deliver the project for cameras around Bingham market place, precinct and town centre car parks with the support of Bingham Town Council and Nottinghamshire Police.
The surveillance camera system will assist in the prevention, investigation and detection of crime and will be managed and operated in the same way as an existing scheme in West Bridgford.
Full details on how to submit your comments are available at http://tinyurl.com/29v4m8mj and residents have until 2pm on Thursday February 29 to give their views.
The redeployable CCTV scheme is funded by the Home Office under the Safer Streets initiative. The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire together with local authorities secured the investment of £333,000 Safer Streets encompassing projects across the South Nottinghamshire Community Safety Partnership area.
Bingham Town Council has also provided local funding for the CCTV project.
Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire Caroline Henry said: “Bingham is a beautiful town – with a thriving marketplace, and we are keen to ensure that residents and business owners alike can feel safe when out and about.
“These seven brand new redeployable CCTV cameras will help to improve public safety in the town and could help to attract new visitors and businesses to come to Bingham.
“I’m grateful that through Safer Streets we are able to bring in additional investment to make our public spaces safer, in addition to the great work already being done by Nottinghamshire Police and local partners such as Rushcliffe Borough Council and Bingham Town Council.”
RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis added: “As part of the Safer Streets initiative we’re working with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Nottinghamshire Police and Bingham Town Council to install seven new redeployable 4G CCTV cameras in Bingham town centre.
“This will help reduce and deter crime and disorder at the location, support the investigation of crimes and disorder, including environmental crime and anti-social behaviour and ensure the safety of visitors and businesses.
“They can also be rapidly repositioned to respond to changing demands, a model that has worked in other locations in the Borough.
“Together with our partners we believe there is a pressing need and a legitimacy to justify the use of new cameras.
“The consultation is now open until February 29 and if you have any comments please do get in touch with us and submit your views.”
The Mayor of Bingham Cllr Rowan Bird said: “The Town Council are pleased to be supporting the scheme which we hope will help to prevent crime and give reassurance to residents and local businesses.
“The Safer Streets funding has enabled a priority of the Town Council to deliver new redeployable CCTV to progress.
“We would encourage residents and businesses to give their views by responding to the consultation.”
Inspector Tim Cuthbert District Commander for Rushcliffe said: “We are really pleased that Bingham is set to benefit from the latest round of Safer Streets funding.
“Bingham is a vibrant town and as a neighbourhood policing team we are doing everything we can to keep it a safe and pleasant place to live and work.
“We know the importance of high-quality CCTV in helping to reduce antisocial behaviour and violence against women and girls, so it’s great to see this funding will go towards helping achieve this.
“Whether it’s the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner or local authorities such as Rushcliffe Borough Council and Bingham Town Council, the police working closely with our partners plays a key role in reducing crime.”
Safer Streets is a Home Office funded initiative to improve community safety in public spaces and also help to make people feel safer when they are out and about.
It is particularly targeted at reducing neighbourhood crime and antisocial behaviour and preventing violence against women and girls.
Police and Crime Commissioners work in partnership with local councils to bid for funding, which can be used on projects such as new CCTV cameras, street lighting and home security devices.