The Freedom of Information Act (Model Publication Scheme 2008) requires councils to maintain an inventory of all the information that it holds and make this information available through its website.

Bingham Town Council – Councillor Vacancy

Following the recent elections held on 04 May 2023, there was an uncontested election in all wards. One vacancy for a Councillor in the South East Ward is available for co-option. Bingham Town Council is very active and is embarking on some exciting projects in the Town. The major projects include creating a long-term parking …

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Temporary Traffic Signals – Fosse Way, Wednesday 24 May

Two-way temporary traffic signals will be in operation on Fosse Way, Bingham for one day only, on Wednesday the 24th of May 2023, between 09:00 and 15:00 hours. The temporary signals are required to facilitate tree felling of diseased trees. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and advise all road users to take extra care …

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