The Freedom of Information Act (Model Publication Scheme 2008) requires councils to maintain an inventory of all the information that it holds and make this information available through its website.

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the year ended 31 March 2020

Monday, 3rd of August 2020 to Monday, 14th of September 2020

Following the resolution by Council to sign the Annual Governance and Accountability Return at its meeting on Tuesday 28 July 2020, the Public Rights of Inspection period commences on Monday 03 August and ends on Monday 14 September 2020. Please see the attached documents for more information which includes a summary of your rights.

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Community Volunteer Flood Wardens

Following the flooding in Bingham west, which impacted and is still impacting residents on Western Avenue, the Town Council is looking to co-ordinate a group of community volunteer Flood Wardens. The Flood Warden scheme is organised by Nottinghamshire County Council and the Environment Agency. Please click on the document below for details of what being …

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One-Way System for Market Place from 22nd of June

Beginning on Monday, 22nd of June, Market Place and Market Street will become one-way, to make it easier to adhere to social distancing requirements. Vehicles must proceed only in a clockwise direction (from Market Street to Station Street, from Station Street to Church Street). Please see the attached bulletin for further information.

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