The Freedom of Information Act (Model Publication Scheme 2008) requires councils to maintain an inventory of all the information that it holds and make this information available through its website.

Temporary Road Closures in Tithby and Langar, 26th-28th October

The following roads will be closed from 7:00pm on Friday the 26th of October until 7:00pm on Sunday the 28th of October due to maintenance works: Tithby Road, Tithby, from its junction with A52 Bingham Bypass, Bingham to its junction with Bingham Road, Wiverton, Tithby. Bingham Road, Wiverton, Tithby, from its junction with Tithby Road, …

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Masterplan developing clearer vision for ‘Brilliant Bingham’

Proposals to support Bingham’s significant housing growth over the next decade have emerged in a masterplan that is seeking to develop a clear vision for the future of the town and ‘Brilliant Bingham’. Building on the work already undertaken on the Community Led Plan, Rushcliffe Borough Council, Bingham Town Council and the wider Bingham Growth …

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A52/A1 Overnight Road Closures, 10th through 21st of September (Updated)

As part of essential maintenance works, parts of the A52 and A1 will be closed overnight for resurfacing: The A52 (westbound and eastbound) will be closed between Barrowby & Sedgebrook on the 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th of September, 8pm-6am A1/A52 Barrowby Junction southbound slip road closed on the 12th of September, 8pm-6am The A1 northbound …

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