Welbeck Grove Footpath works, 20th November to 11th December

Welbeck Grove footpath will be closed, commencing from its junction with Welbeck Grove and extending in a northerly direction for 35 metres. The restriction will be in place 24 hours a day, starting from 08:00 hours on Monday 20th November 2023 until 17:00 hours on Monday 11th December 2023. This is to facilitate gas mains …

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Nottinghamshire Police information on e-scooters

Can I read an e-scooter? It is currently against the law to ride a private e-scooter on a public road or pavement. We understand that buying an e-scooter can be tempting, especially as you can get them from many popular retailers. However, the current law is clear: You can buy one but you can’t ride …

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Temporary Prohibition of Driving – Carnarvon Place (from its Junction with Carnarvon Close to its Junction with Kirk Hill), 30th of October to 3rd of November

Due to pipe repair works, a temporary prohibition of driving will be enforced on Carnarvon Place, Bingham (from its junction with Carnarvon Close to its junction with Kirk Hill) starting from 08:00 hours on Monday, 30th October 2023, until 17:00 hours on Friday, 3rd November 2023. Please see the attached document for further information.

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Temporary Four-Way Traffic Signals – Fisher Lane and Newgate Street

For the purpose of gas main replacement works, temporary four-way traffic signals will be in operation at the following locations: Site 1: Fisher Lane, Bingham (Junction with The Banks) From Monday, 23rd October 2023 to Sunday, 5th November 2023. Operating 24hrs. Site 2: Newgate Street, Bingham (Junction with Fairfield Street) From Monday, 30th October 2023 …

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