Temporary traffic lights will be in place on Grantham Road, at its junction with Willow Road, from 9:00am until 3:30pm on Wednesday the 22nd of October. Please see the attached document for further information.
Frustratingly, we are not going to be able to open the revamped play area for the half term holiday. We’re sorry that the refurbishment has taken far longer than planned, it’s tantalisingly close but it is not yet in a state whereby the Council can take back ownership and in turn open it to the public. We’re working with the contractor on an action plan. We’ll post another website update once we know more. Thank-you for your interest as the play area has taken shape.
With the cancellation of the Summer and Christmas Fairs this year, the Buttercross will be made available for local community groups to book through the Festive season on Thursdays from 26 November 2020. If any local community groups wish to have a stall, please contact the Market Manager to discuss the opportunity further. The Market Manager can be contacted by emailing
From the 14th of October, Nottinghamshire and Nottingham enter the “high” alert level, announced by Government on October 12.
This means:
People must not meet with anybody outside their household or support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place.
People must not meet in a group of more than 6 outside, including in a garden or other space.
People should aim to reduce the number of journeys they make where possible. If they need to travel, they should walk or cycle where possible, or to plan ahead and avoid busy times and routes on public transport.
Please also continue to observe the following key behaviours:
“Hands, Face, Space” which means:
– Hands – wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
– Face – wear a face covering where required, unless you are exempt
– Space – Maintain social distance of at least 2 metres from anyone you don’t live with or 1 metre plus additional precautions such as extra ventilation, screens or face coverings
When eating out at a café, pub or restaurant, only with your household or support bubble, all should provide full and accurate contact details. This NHS Test and Trace Service is important for tracking and preventing the spread. The help play your part the NHS COVID-19 App is available to download.
Only car share with those in your household or support bubble.
If you have COVID symptoms, get a test and self-isolate. Symptoms include a fever, a new continuous cough, or loss of your sense of taste or smell. Call 119 to book your free test or book online via the NHS website.
Download the app. The free NHS Covid-19 app is the fastest way to see if you’re at risk from coronavirus. The faster you know, the quicker you can alert and protect your loved ones and community. Go to the app store on your phone and search for the NHS Covid-19 app or visit COVID-19 app information.
Face coverings must be worn:
In retail premises
On public transport
By customers in private hire vehicles and taxis
By customers in hospitality venues, except when seated at a table to eat or drink
By staff in hospitality and retail
By staff working on public transport and taxi driver
People exempt from the existing face covering obligations include those such as with an underlying health condition
Have you downloaded the NHS COVID-19 App yet?
The NHS COVID-19 App is part of the large-scale coronavirus testing and contact tracing programme, NHS Test and Trace, and we are encouraging everyone to download this and play their part to help stop the spread of the virus.
As you may have seen in the media or from a text message to your phone, the app is available to download from the App Store and Google Play. Please visit https://covid19.nhs.uk for more information.
It will be used, alongside traditional contact tracing, to notify users if they come into contact with someone who later tests positive for coronavirus.
The app will advise you to self-isolate if you have been in close contact with a confirmed case. It will also enable you to check symptoms, book a free test if needed and get your test results.
Please adhere to this advice should you receive it in line with red notifications.
Temporary traffic lights will be in place on Church Street (at its junction with Market Street) from 8:00am until 4:30pm on Wednesday the 14th of October. Please see the attached document for further information.
As you may be viewing in the local media, cases of COVID are increasing significantly across the County.
The Government are expected to announce tougher restrictions for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire next week which could include measures similar to those in place in other parts of the country in which movements are restricted.
We, the County Council and fellow districts are working alongside the City Council in now urging people to take urgent steps to not mix indoors with people from other households.
“It’s imperative Rushcliffe residents, in line with all those across Nottinghamshire, play their part to stop the spread of the virus by not mixing indoors with people from other households.
“We know the sacrifices many people have made and continue to make that affect their freedom but we must continue to follow all guidelines so we can do what is required to protect us all.
“Please continue to check our website www.rushcliffe.gov.uk for the latest advice to follow.”
Until anything further is announced, please continue to follow this advice and play your part to stop the spread of the virus:
Hands, Face, Space” which means:
– Hands – wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
– Face – wear a face covering where required, unless you are exempt
– Space – Maintain social distance of at least 2 metres from anyone you don’t live with or 1 metre plus additional precautions such as extra ventilation, screens or face coverings
When eating out at a café, pub or restaurant everyone should provide full and accurate contact details of everyone in your group using the NHS COVID-19 app or leaving details with the business.
Avoid car sharing but if doing so keep windows open, stick to small groups and wipe down surfaces.
If you have COVID symptoms, get a test and self-isolate. Symptoms include a fever, a new continuous cough, or loss of your sense of taste or smell. Call 119 to book your free test or book online via the NHS website.
A reminder, face coverings must be worn in the following locations:
Customers in private hire vehicles and taxis.
Customers in hospitality venues, except when seated at a table to eat or drink. Staff in hospitality and retail are required to wear them too.
Staff working on public transport and taxi drivers.
Have you downloaded the NHS COVID-19 App yet?
The NHS COVID-19 App is part of the large-scale coronavirus testing and contact tracing programme, NHS Test and Trace, and we are encouraging everyone to download this and play their part to help stop the spread of the virus.
As you may have seen in the media or from a text message to your phone, the app is available to download from the App Store and Google Play. Please visit https://covid19.nhs.uk for more information.
It will be used, alongside traditional contact tracing, to notify users if they come into contact with someone who later tests positive for coronavirus.
The app will advise you to self-isolate if you have been in close contact with a confirmed case. It will also enable you to check symptoms, book a free test if needed and get your test results.
Please adhere to this advice should you receive it in line with red notifications.
In conjunction with media partner West Bridgford Wire, we are delighted to announce that nominations for the 2020 Celebrating Rushcliffe Awards are now open. The awards will celebrate the Borough’s wonderful volunteers, businesses, clubs, organisations, environmentalists and the best of its health and wellbeing and food and drink sectors, mindful of the impact COVID-19 has had on every part of the community and local enterprise.
You can read the full press release at the link below where you will find more information including a list of award categories:
Kirk Hill and Chapel Lane, 50m either side of the level crossing, will be closed from 10:30pm on Saturday the 10th of October until 5:30am on Sunday the 11th of October. Please see the attached document for further information.
The Orchard Park toddler play area is now open for use again. We would like to thank residents for their patience, whilst remedial works have taken place on the play area surfacing.
Nottinghamshire County Council is looking for people to join its focus groups and to complete an online survey regarding possible reorganisation of local government in Nottinghamshire
Join our focus group for voluntary & community sector organisations and have your say.
Nottinghamshire County Council is looking at options to establish whether there is a better way of delivering local government services in the County than the current two-tier structure, where responsibility for local services is split between Nottinghamshire County Council and seven District and Borough Councils.
In order to reduce costs, simplify access for residents and partners and improve services, we are considering a range of options that could develop a better system of local government for Nottinghamshire by replacing the eight councils in the two-tier system with a unitary system providing all local government services.
Following agreement at the Council’s Policy Committee, the Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council has now written a letter to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government seeking a formal invitation to submit proposals for a system of unitary local government for Nottinghamshire.
Voluntary and community organisations play a vital role in Nottinghamshire’s communities. To inform our consideration of the options and to ensure our final proposals make sense for voluntary and community organisations in Nottinghamshire, we are holding an online focus group where you can find out more and share your views.
Sign up will be limited to only one representative per organisation.
The date for this event is: Wednesday 14th October from 2pm – 4:30pm
This session is open to all voluntary and community organisations in Nottinghamshire. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this will be virtual session, held on Zoom. The focus groups are being managed and facilitated by an independent research agency who will also analyse all the responses.
Places on the focus group are limited, so please register early if you would like to join in.
If you are unable to sign up online and need assistance please contact us including ‘Focus Groups’ at the top of your message. A member of the team will then be in touch to support you with your registration.
You can find the latest information about local government re-organisation in Nottinghamshire on our Your Nottinghamshire Your Future website.
If you are unable to attend please remember you can still have your say through our online survey which is open till Monday 19 October. Just follow the link below and read the information document before completing the survey.