Some of our Town Councillors are taking part in the Great British Spring Clean this September. If you would like to join them litter picking areas of the town, please get in touch.
Christmas Fair Update
The Town Council are currently planning the Christmas Fair, within Government guidelines, for Friday 27 November 2020.
Sponsorship for the Christmas Fair enables the Town Council to provide a large community event for all Bingham residents. If you are able to provide sponsorship for the event, please get in touch to discuss the opportunity to be part of making this fantastic community event the best it can be.
Survey Update
Thank-you to those who took part in our online survey to gauge your support and views in seeking a loan for £400,000 from the Public Works Loan Board in support of a contribution toward the redevelopment of the Town Pavilion at Wynhill; which was granted planning permission earlier this year. The redevelopment cost has been estimated at £600,000 with funding being sought via other grant funding applications.
There were 355 survey responders, of which 340 responses were from residents, which is less than 4% of Bingham’s population, the remaining 15 responders were from neighbouring villages. Of the 340 responses, 67% (227) supported the loan with just less than half (109) who supported the loan submitting a comment. Of the 113 who did not support, again just less than half (58) submitted a comment.
The Town Council resolved at its extra-ordinary meeting on Tuesday 18 August 2020 to proceed with the loan application and to continue to work in partnership with Bingham Rugby Club to help facilitate the plans to deliver an enhanced community hub and sporting facilities which will include:
a doubling of the community space
single level disabled access
a separate meeting / learning room including added audio visual facilities
enhanced kitchen facilities
improved sporting facilities to enable female, male & mixed ability participation
ecology and tree planting plans to improve biodiversity
parking for circa 86 cars including provision for disabled spaces and electric charging points
The Town Council will be shortly be setting up a dedicated page on the website to keep everyone informed of progress and to answer any questions raised through the survey.
Road resurfacing works affecting Dark Lane and Radnor Grove, on or around 22nd October
Dark Lane and Radnor Grove are to be resurfaced some time around the 22nd of October, which will require temporary closure of the roads to traffic. Please see the attached document for further information.
View documentsRushcliffe Borough Council’s Free Email Subscription Service for News and Updates
Rushcliffe Borough Council has launched a free email subscription service providing news and updates on their services direct to residents’ and stakeholders’ inboxes. To sign up and receive the updates, please subscribe here:
North Bingham development update
This is the latest update from the developers regarding the outstanding landscaping works around the lake.
The works are due to continue on site from 24th August for an estimated 6-8 weeks. Once completed, the work will be checked by footway officers from Nottinghamshire County Council.
The developer is estimating the area being opened up formally in late Autumn.
Kirk Hill and Chapel Lane (level crossing) overnight road closure, 15-16 August
Kirk Hill and Chapel Lane, 25 meters either side of the level crossing, will be closed from 10:30pm on Saturday the 15th of August until 8:15am on Sunday the 16th of August. Please see the attached document for further information.
View documentsPlanning and Recreation & Amenities Committee meetings – Tuesday 11 August 2020
Upon advice, the above meetings have been cancelled due to a procedural error raised by a member of the public. The meetings will be re-called in due course or where appropriate referred to other Committee or Full Council meetings.
Our apologies
Temporary traffic signals on Grantham Road, 10-13 August
Temporary two-way traffic signals will be in place on Grantham Road (approximately 50m east of its junction with The Banks) from Monday the 10th of August until Thursday the 13th of August. Please see the attached document for further information.
View documentsTemporary traffic signals on Fosse Way (between Saxondale island and Chapel Lane island), 3-11 August
Temporary two-way traffic signals will be in place on Fosse Way (between Saxondale island and Chapel Lane island) from Monday the 3rd of August until Tuesday the 11th of August, between the hours of 9:00am and 3:30pm. Please see the attached document for further information.
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