Chapel Lane Weekend Road Closures, January 2019

Chapel Lane, from its junction with Moorbridge Road to Fosse Way (Old A46), will be closed: 07.00 hours Saturday 12th January 2019 until 22.00 hours Sunday 13th January 2019 07.00 hours Saturday 19th January 2019 until 22.00 hours Sunday 20th January 2019 Please see the attached document for further information.

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Chapel Lane Weekend Road Closures in November/December

Chapel Lane will be closed for three weekends due to the ongoing construction works: 07:00 Saturday 17th until 22:00 Sunday the 18th of November 07:00 Saturday 24th until 22:00 Sunday the 25th of November 07:00 Saturday 1st until 22:00 Sunday the 2nd of December Please see the attached document for further information and diversion route.

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