Wednesday 11th July, 10am – 3pm at Rufford Abbey Country Park
Discover the story of Nottinghamshire during the Great War. Please click the poster for more information.
A portion of Chapel Lane will be closed between the 26th of July and the 4th of September. Please see the attached document for further details.
View documentsThe planned roadworks between the Tithby junction of the A52 and Langar, which were scheduled to run overnight between the 22nd of June and the 25th of June, have been postponed. Please see the attached document for more information.
View documentsA52 essential maintenance and improvement works between Henson Lane, Nottinghamshire and Barrowby, Lincolnshire. To minimise disruption the works are split into two phases. Phase one is for essential maintenance activities and takes place between Saxondale Roundabout and the A1/ A52 junction at Barrowby and will require overnight road closures from the 2nd until the 27th …
View documentsHighways England is holding a residents meeting at Gamston Village Hall on Tuesday 19 June from 6pm to 7pm to discuss planned improvements to the A52 Stragglethorpe junction. For full details, visit the scheme web page.
The car parks that serve Bingham’s town centre are owned and managed by Rushcliffe Borough Council. In the lead up to the car parking changes at Union and Needham Street, a survey of car parking use was conducted. The survey results somewhat surprised Bingham Town Council and other authorities as it dispelled the belief that our car parks were grid-locked by commuters travelling on to work by bus or train. The reality is that our car parks are used by people who work in Bingham. To create frequent parking turn-over, changes were made to Union and Needham Street in the knowledge that the impact would push long term parkers to Newgate Street.
Changes to Newgate Street car park will only be considered once there is alternate long term parking. If changes are made without long term parking provision in place, the concern is that it will push long term parkers onto the residential streets in Bingham which would further exacerbate the challenges whilst driving in and through Bingham and frustrate local residents.
Bingham Town Council has identified an area of land which could potentially be used as long term parking. We are currently working with Rushcliffe Borough Council to create access to this land and to overcome other obstacles which would make this land a viable long term car parking facility. This will all take time but once a new long term parking facility is in place, it will then afford Rushcliffe Borough Council the opportunity to alter the parking regulations in Newgate Street and it will provide the conditions for Nottinghamshire County Council to conduct a further parking survey to assess Bingham’s parking provision in its entirety to see whether there is a need for resident parking in certain areas of Bingham.
We have just been informed that the fly-past by an RAF Dakota during tomorrow’s Bingham Summer Fair will now be at approximately 3:15pm.
The 2018 Bingham Summer Fair is tomorrow, the 9th of June For further information, including changes to bus routes, please see our Bingham Summer Fair 2018 page. Update: The fly-past has changed to 3:15pm and the attached leaflet has been changed accordingly. Timetable of Events 10am Town Mayor to open the Fair 10.05am Bingham Infants …
View documentsThere will be temporary two way traffic signals on Grantham Road (outside numbers 101-131) between 22:00 and 06:00 hours from the 11th of June until the 13th of June.
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