Since the opening of the new leisure centre in Bingham many more people are using the footpath level crossing, known as Moor Lane.
Network Rail has been working closely in conjunction with Bingham Town Council, Rushcliffe Borough Council and Nottinghamshire County Council to assess suitable risk controls for the number of people who now use the crossing regularly.
In January 2024 Network Rail completed a remodelling of Moor Lane Level Crossing, with new white palisade fencing and gates, pictorial signage and a wider approach, improving the crossing for all users.

Network Rail has also rigorously investigated the feasibility of using technology to help manage the risk at the crossing.
The investigations have revealed that the only way to further protect users without installing a bridge or closing the crossing altogether requires a change to the way that trains are managed in the area.
This solution will mean that the risk of a user being unable to see a second train coming, due to being hidden by the first, has been reduced to as low as is reasonably practicable.
Additional risk measures are being assessed, including options such as, the installation of anti-trespass guards and de-vegetation works. The crossing will continue to be monitored via CCTV to inform all future risk assessments.
Network Rail look forward to working with the the local community and stakeholders to make our railway and its surroundings safer and provide access between the key parts of Bingham.